Our spies in British Columbia have sent us what the BC HRC want the new Canadian flag to look like. I'm sure Mr Warman and Bishop Ingham will both be equally thrilled.
Oh, and if anyone wants to bring me up in front of a Human Rights Commission tribunal, I'm an American and I live, work and blog in America. I'm also an attorney. Bring it on.
If you are in favour of gun control, have never fired a firearm before, are in the Atlanta area, and would like to know what the fuss is all about, send me an email at mousestalker {at} gmail {dot} com. I will supply all firearms, pay for range time and supply all necessary equipment, ammunition and instruction.
I will not debate the issue with you unless you want me to. I will help you be a better informed citizen on the subject.
Wonderful! I'm stealing, uh, I mean, using your flag.
Feel free!
"Canucks of the world, eh, Unite! You have nothing to loose, eh, but your skates!"
"From each, eh, according to his abilities, eh, to each, eh; according to his touque!"
"Molson, eh, is the opiate of the people!"
Marxism-Hoserism 101. Eh.
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