Saturday, November 26, 2011

Star Wars: The Old Republic

For my one reader who cares about gaming stuff, I've been playing in the public beta of SW:TOR. It's very pretty. I have a few player related problems (I've been playing solo games lately so keep trying to 'pause' with the space bar). For the rest of it, SWTOR plays much like every other MMORPG.

My major complaint has nothing to do with server unavailability (never an issue for an early bird such as myself). It's that the buttons don't work/are greyed out. I have a life. Sometimes I have to quit the wonderful game. A fair amount of in game functionality isn't working because I can not mash the buttons. It may seem picky, but this is something that should work and doesn't at this stage of the game.

My minor complaint is the lack of customization. Both City of Heroes and Champions got that right. As a result I'm a spoiled MMORPG player. It may be that more options will be added in later, so it's a minor complaint.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Student Loans

I have 'em. So do very many people. The problem I have with OWS is the idea of 'debt forgiveness'. We are all adults and we contracted for this debt. That we owe the money totally sucks, but we did get the fun of spending the money.

What does need to happen is to allow student loans be written off in bankruptcy. That isn't the same as debt forgiveness. Bankruptcy wrecks your credit rating. The value of your property gets applied to your debts. There are other consequences as well.

Bankruptcy makes sense. Forgiveness does not.