Thursday, October 02, 2008

Perpetua on the Ten Commandments of Blogging

The Evangelical Alliance in the UK started the idea, Ruth Gledhill critiqued it and now Perpetua sheds a great deal of light on the idea.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

It's That Time of Year

Every October for the past ten or so years I've re-read Roger Zelazny's classic "A Night in The Lonesome October". I even have it on audio cassette somewhere, read by Mr Zelazny himself. For a genre literature buff, it's a treasure trove of literary references. Being a Zelazny book it contains many puns, one of which is truly horrible.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The New Republic has a neat little essay up that blames the failure of the bailout bill on everyone but the people mainly responsible, the Democrats. It's a nice idea, but last I checked the bill was sponsored by the House Democratic Congressional leadershipand the House is controlled by the Democrats. Did I miss something there?

Further, the Speaker of the House and one of the leading proponents of the bill made an extremely insulting, stupid and bigoted speech concerning the opposition.

If ever you need or want proof that the Mainstream Media represents only the left wing of the Democratic party, you now have it.

Is it any wonder that reporters and politicians are running neck and neck for bottom feeder ratings in all the public opinion polls?