Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Small Thought About LIbrarians And Their Blogs

I read a lot of blogs. The top profession represented amongst the blogs I read is attorney, because, go figure, I read a lot of law blogs. The next profession is reporter which is entirely attributable to the news blogs I read. It's the third profession that has me wondering. There are three blogs by librarians that I read on a regular basis. The Midwest Conservative Journal by Christopher Johnson blogs mostly about Piskie stuff with forays into pulp detective fiction and politics. Pygmy Puffs and Heffalumps is by my friend Zana and is mostly about her life with the odd Piskie bit. The Breda Fallacy is by Breda who mostly blogs about the offbeat, the funny and gun rights.

The only commonality I can attribute to the three other than profession is all three bloggers have a great deal of horse sense.

Addendum: All three are also funny. Is that a typical trait for librarians?


Zana said...

Hm. I don't know if *all* librarians are funny. But us piskie (or Anglican) librarians have to have a sense of humor... otherwise we'd just be rocking back and forth banging our heads against the wall. I mean, who could deal with both the insanity in the AC *and* someone trying to classify "Jane Eyre" under Architecture if they didn't have a wicked sense of humor?

Christopher Johnson said...

Don't know. I spend many of my days silently snarling at people. As for the Anglican stuff, that story's just about over. Some day I mean to do a post about why librarians are surly(hint: only a little more than half of the reason has to do with patrons).

kahn265 said...

I no longer care about librarians.

Andrew said...

I don't know. I haven't been in a library since I saw this movie! Scared the cr@p out of me!

Anonymous said...

Yes, As someone married to a librarian and we also happen to be Epicopalians, I can say yes many librarians have a lot of horse sense and ...... an uncanny obsession for office products! LOL!